Pre-Event Hotel Application

Hotel Information

Event Information

Enter this value in the field below.

Enter value from the previous field here.


Calculate the Maximum Dallas TPID Incentive

Nights x Rooms = Contracted Room Nights

Contracted Room Nights x Rate =

How is the Maximum Dallas TPID Incentive calculated?

  • Your anticipated number of Contracted Room Nights as determined by contracted room block
  • Multiplied by Contracted Hotel Rate to get Total Room Revenue
  • Divide Total Room Revenue by 10 for Maximum Dallas TPID Incentive
Total Room Revenue divided by 10 =

(This cannot be higher than the maximum available incentive but may be less.)

Please describe in detail how you will use the incentive funding to benefit your customer in a way that allows you to compete more effectively with hotels in comparable geographic markets and/or retain existing business. Examples may include providing a credit to the master bill, offering complimentary transportation, AV or internet services, providing complimentary meeting rooms or F&B services etc.

Note, Post-Event documentation accepted along with a pickup report may be an invoice, signed contract or copy of bill from vendor i.e. transportation company. Please include the value of the concessions.

When submitting this application, signatories acknowledge the information contained herein as accurate and agree to the review of all related event materials and final support documentation prior to DTPID payment.

If you have any questions, please contact Sheryl Budelier, Program Administrator, at 469-903-7697 or