More than $1 million per year of the Dallas Tourism Public Improvement District’s (DTPID) funds are awarded each year to support local arts and events happening in Dallas.
Local arts and cultural groups have the opportunity to apply for up to $25,000 annually for funding incentives to help enrich Dallas through their events that will generate at least 30 overnight visits to Dallas.
Since its inception over 10 years ago, more than $12 million has been contributed to 650 arts and culture initiatives. A town hall is held annually to answer any questions about the application process and previous town hall recordings live HERE. Enriching the lives and experiences of visitors and residents alike, DTPID board members consider this support an important aspect of how everyone can benefit from a healthy tourism industry.
Dallas’s cultural institutions of all sizes long to share their arts initiatives and programs with audiences within the Dallas community and outside of the North Texas region. DTPID spurs tourist interest. Discover how a few arts partners got DTPID involved and helped offer support for marketing promotions.
Whether you have questions surrounding an upcoming event’s eligibility or just need more information on our programs, the DTPID staff is experienced in helping cultural arts partners attract an audience to their upcoming program or event.