The Hotel Marketing Incentive Program is designed to provide Dallas Tourism Public Improvement District (DTPID) participating hotels with the opportunity to apply for funding to attract additional single property meetings.
In accordance with the exempt purposes of the Dallas Tourism Public Improvement District Corporation (DTPIDC), the Board of Directors (Board) has developed incentive programs to positively impact the Dallas tourism and hotel industries by increasing smaller-group hotel bookings, which necessarily support all participants in the industries, including ancillary services. These programs enable hotels within Dallas to attract and retain smaller-group hotel bookings by providing the flexibility and resources to compete with hotels in other geographic markets, and specifically to offer hotel customers customized incentives such as subsidized transportation, bill credit, hospitality options, or other meeting or event benefits.
The Hotel Marketing Incentive Program (HMIP) was specifically created to provide incentives to the group customer entity that is booking guestrooms at a DTPIDC Stakeholder Hotel (Hotel). The Hotel submits the application for HMIP funds online, at Dallas TPID.com, in advance of the group/event contracting with the Hotel. Submissions are reviewed by the HMPI Program Administrator to determine eligibility, next the application is approved or disqualified. None of these reviewing entities/individuals have a personal financial interest in the individual hotels. All determinations are based entirely on the group/event’s selection process, without regard to their financial contributions to the DTPIDC. Requesting hotels remain anonymous to all other hotels in the DTPIDC.
The incentives are intended to directly incentivize and benefit the hotel customer and are in place to enable local eligible hotels to compete with hotels in other geographic markets and/or retain such business. The requesting hotel must provide the intended use of the incentive on the original application. Following the group’s departure, the hotel will be required to provide written confirmation that the funds were used as described in the original application to benefit the event customer.
The hotel must submit the final pick-up report showing the number of rooms actualized and the total actual lodging revenue within 30 days of the event. After the Program Administrator and Contract Administrator validate and approve the final pick-up report, the hotel is paid within 30 days.
For more information on how the Hotel Marketing Incentive Program may assist your property, contact Sheryl Budelier, Program Administrator, (469) 903-7697 or sheryl@dallastpid.com. We’re happy to help walk your staff through the process for applying for this incentive.