Pre-Event Marketing Fund Application


Contact Information

Organization Information

Please enter full URL starting with https://

The following six questions are for internal and informational use only and will not have any bearing on your application.

ALAANA means African, Latinx, Asian, Arab, and Native American.* This also includes Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander.** An ALAANA artist is one whose primary intentions, practices, and mission are by, for, or about ALAANA artists, cultures, and communities. The word “for” refers to the intention of the artist to perpetuate, promote, and present art that is representative of an ALAANA culture and people and/or is given form by ALAANA artists.

*Categories as based on Grantmakers in the Arts definitions as of 2018
**Categories as defined by the US Census Bureau

The answer should be based on organization leadership and not on the content/programming your organization provides.

Click yes if your organization creates programming centered around LGBTQ+ issues/storytelling

Event Information

Event must fall within in the upcoming Fiscal Year October 1 to September 31.

Event Venue Information

How to Estimate Eligible DTPID Amount

Select ONE method of computing the anticipated incremental room night code and fill in the appropriate blanks.

Using the choices and fields below, your eligible amount will automatically calculate.

The multiplier in the equation should change based on the selection here:

  • Attendance Numbers multiplier = 0.09
  • Hotel Booking Code multiplier = 1
  • Ticket Sales/Registrations multiplier = 0.6

Please enter a number greater than or equal to 0.

Enter the Number of Hotel Room Nights value in blue above, automatically generated based on your estimate. Your number must be equal to or more than 30 rooms.

If you selected a different Estimation Choice, enter $168

Hotel Room Nights multiplied by Average Hotel Rate of $168

Enter the Total Revenue value in blue above, automatically generated based on your estimate.

How is the Final Eligible DTPID Amount calculated?

  • Your chosen attendance calculation with your anticipated number of Hotel Room Nights,
  • Multiplied by Average Hotel Rate ($168 per night or your Booking Code Rate) will calculate Total Revenue.
  • Total Revenue will then be divided by 10 to give the 10:1 required ROI outcome, equaling your Maximum Eligible DTPID Amount.
Total Revenue divided by 10

Enter your approved Maximum Eligible DTPID Amount or less. Maximum Amount per Fiscal Year Allowed is $25,000.

Event Budget

Your Maximum DTPID Funds Requested must equal 35% or less than that of total budget. Please enter a number greater than or equal to $0. Total Maximum Eligible DTPID Funds is $25,000. For example if you are approved for $25,000, your overall budget should exceed $71,429.

How You Plan to Spend the DTPID Funds

The Total Eligible Budgeted DTPID Funds number below and the Maximum Eligible DTPID Amount from above must be equal.

Should equal 50% or more of your Total Eligible DTPID Funds Requested

Enter additional category

Must match Maximum Eligible DTPID Amount above.

This description should include your marketing plan to attract tourists to your event/season. Mention any strategic partnerships you have and their marketing reach, and any strategic targeted marketing you will use to attract visitors. (i.e. geo-targeted social media, etc.)

Please list specific examples – i.e. industry publishing (which), billboards (where), newspapers (example), radio (markets), etc. Not limited to these specific examples.

And where the above methods will be targeting – zip codes, regions, cities